The recent amendments to the UK law on porn have sparked controversy and debate among the public, with many arguing that they are inherently sexist. The amendments, which were introduced as part of the Digital Economy Act 2017, require all pornographic websites to verify the age of their users before allowing them access to adult content. While the intention behind the amendments is to protect children from accessing inappropriate material, many critics argue that the law unfairly targets and discriminates against women and perpetuates harmful stereotypes about female sexuality.

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The Impact on Women in the Porn Industry

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One of the main criticisms of the amendments is that they disproportionately impact women working in the porn industry. Many female performers have spoken out against the new regulations, arguing that they will make it more difficult for them to make a living. The requirement for age verification could lead to a decrease in traffic to pornographic websites, which in turn could result in a loss of income for performers. This is particularly concerning for women in the industry who rely on porn as their primary source of income.

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Furthermore, the amendments could also make it more difficult for women to access and consume pornographic material that is created by and for women. Many feminist and female-friendly pornographic websites may struggle to comply with the age verification requirements, leading to a decrease in the availability of diverse and inclusive adult content for women.

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Perpetuating Harmful Stereotypes

Another issue with the amendments is that they perpetuate harmful stereotypes about female sexuality. The requirement for age verification sends the message that women are not capable of making informed decisions about their own sexual desires and preferences. By placing the burden of age verification on pornographic websites, the law implies that women need to be protected from their own sexual impulses, which is deeply patronizing and insulting.

Additionally, the amendments fail to acknowledge the fact that women are just as capable as men of consuming and enjoying pornographic material. By targeting pornographic websites and imposing age verification requirements, the law reinforces the idea that women are passive consumers of porn, rather than active participants in their own sexual experiences.

The Double Standard

Critics of the amendments also argue that they create a double standard when it comes to the regulation of sexual content. While pornographic websites are required to implement age verification measures, other forms of adult content, such as violent or graphic material, are not subject to the same level of scrutiny. This sends the message that sexual content is inherently more harmful and dangerous than other types of adult material, which is a discriminatory and outdated attitude.

Moreover, the amendments fail to address the root causes of the issues they seek to address. Rather than focusing on age verification, the government should be working to improve sex education in schools and provide support for parents to help them navigate conversations about pornography with their children. By targeting pornographic websites, the law ignores the broader societal factors that contribute to children's exposure to explicit material.

In conclusion, the recent amendments to the UK law on porn are inherently sexist and perpetuate harmful stereotypes about female sexuality. By targeting pornographic websites and imposing age verification requirements, the law unfairly discriminates against women in the industry and fails to address the root causes of the issues it seeks to address. It is essential for the government to rethink its approach to regulating sexual content and work towards a more inclusive and equitable solution.